Participant Advisory Council (PAC)
Current PAC Members
Rory Cox
Rory Cox is an analyst at the California Public Utilities Commission, working on Energy Efficiency programs. Rory manages the marketing campaign "Energy Upgrade California," oversees programs that strive to save both water and energy, and programs that promote the building of "zero net energy" buildings. Rory believes that the key to public health is a clean and safe environment, and renewable energy and energy conservation are important pieces of that puzzle. Rory's mother enrolled in the CHDS program prior to his birth in 1961. Rory grew up in Hayward, and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from California State University Chico and a Master of Arts in International Relations from San Francisco State University. He is married with two cats and no children. Rory enjoys travel, hiking, cycling, movies, reading, and music. He is proud to have been part of the CHDS, and is excited by the opportunity to play an active role in its future activities.
Jeff Cree
Jeff Cree is a husband, father, artist, producer, farmer, TV host and life-long dreamer. His current life includes hosting his own TV show " Who's On The Bus." This reaches out to young people to let them know how important it is for them to complete their schooling. As someone who never finished college, he found the value when the time came when he could no longer be the laborer. His goal is to deliver this message and he hopes to save the lives of many to come. Keep your dreams alive.......go to school and graduate. It's a win win for the student. Also, Jeff is currently a student assistant for the Chabot College Football Team in Hayward Ca. He is the "manager" of The Gladiators. And lastly, Jeff is studying to become a school bus driver. Jeff's moto is Dream BIG!!
Joyce Curry
Joyce Curry has been interested in human development, birth to death, since she was only a few years old. Her studies in psychology and education and her daughter's birth in 1965 deepened her interest. As a classroom teacher and a reading specialist in the public schools she was able to observe and facilitate the educational growth of over 1,000 children before she retired. Her interest in human development still goes on: "How do we as adults guide our own growth and support each other's maximum development? What is possible for us?"
Carl Davidson
In 1961Carl was born in Kaiser Hospital in Oakland, where his mother was enrolled in the CHDS. Carl grew up in Albany, California, until his teens when his family, now with the addition of a younger sister, moved to the Oakland hills. His father, Rene C. Davidson, was the Registrar of Voters for Alameda County, and later, served as County Clerk Recorder until his retirement. His mother, Susan Davidson, was a Graduate Advisor at the University of California Berkeley, where Carl graduated with a degree in Neurobiology. For the last fifteen years Carl has been the General Manager and Wine Buyer for a small group of Bay Area wine stores. He has made many "wine exploration" trips to Europe in recent years. He is also in his third year of studying the Italian language with the hopes of better communication with vintners in Italy. He previously spent more than ten years as a V.P./Director at a specialty bookstore chain. He is married and has no children. His hobbies include his travels to various winegrowing areas in Italy, Spain, France, Canada, and winegrowing areas in the Pacific Northwest, manning his barbecue for friends, and doing battle with the clay "soil" in his Rockridge garden.
Mark Jeffrey
Mark was born in 1962 at Kaiser Hospital in Oakland. His parents Norm and Jan are still married and are now retired. They live in Brentwood and are having a wonderful retirement. They travel extensively and are doing something virtually every day. Mark has a sister, Jill, four years his junior; she is married and lives in Ohio. Mark had what he considers a normal childhood. Both of his parents always worked but he always felt they were there anytime he needed them. He graduated from high school and got married shortly after to Julie. They had two children, Jay who is now 22 and Tess who is 19. Mark and Julie had a great marriage for 23 years but are now divorced. Shortly after getting married, Mark started a small company called Space Age, he still has it today. He is training his son in the business and hopes he will take it over someday. Their main business is designing, selling, and installing security camera systems for businesses. He considers himself in the third phase of his life, the first being childhood, the second forming and raising a family, and the third having lots of friends and fun. Mark has an extensive network of friends with a wide spectrum of interests. He belongs to a social adventure group, a Harley motorcycle group, and a Burning Man group, all of which keep him very busy. He is hoping to retire around 2018 and plans to move to San Felipe. Mexico. Mark goes there about every four months and brings different groups of people with him every time.
Mark Garibaldi
Mark Garibaldi was born in 1960 at Kaiser Oakland and was raised in El Cerrito along with his younger brother. He has lived in the east Bay Area all of his life except while attending the University of California Davis, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering. Mark worked in the chemical industry for over 23 years before deciding to take early retirement and enjoy time with his family. He is happily married and has two wonderful daughters. Mark is an avid cyclist and is a foodie - he loves to cook and sample all the fine cuisine that is available here in the Bay Area. He enjoys participating on the CHDS Advisory Council and continuing the effort that his mother was involved in many years ago.
Joanna Gomes
As a daughter of the CHDS, Joanna Gomes remembers visiting the old shingle house, now the site for Kaiser's Fabiola Building in Oakland, to take tests when she was a young child with her sister. She also remembers her father's pride when he was asked to participate in questionnaires as part of the study. For the past several years, Joanna has been peripherally involved with CDHS through its parent organization, the Public Health Institute (PHI), where she works as director of the Bid and Proposal Department. This department assists CDHS staff with applications for continued funding. As a lifetime Bay Area resident, Joanna is the proud mother of two daughters, has a bachelor's degree from University of California Berkeley, and a master's degree from San Jose State University. She enjoys hiking, gardening and raising chickens.
Laurie Havas
Laurie Havas was born and raised in an average middle-class household as the only daughter of two college educated parents in Contra Costa County where she still lives. One of her two brothers is also a CHDS cohort member. Her mother, a liberal, "stay at home" woman, decided to participate in the CHDS study and Laurie proudly continues this legacy. Laurie has two grown children, a daughter and a son. Laurie, who has two college degrees in the life sciences, currently works in retail as well as a research community partner with the CHDS. Her lifestyle includes exercise, a healthy diet and mental wellness. She hopes her children will embrace this lifestyle and benefit from the CHDS studies. In addition to being part of the CHDS Participant Advisory Council (PAC), Laurie is also a member of the 3 Generations Study External Advisory Committee, a Co-Principal Investigator on the Community Research Collaboration Award Study and a PAC Subcommittee Member for the Chemical Safety Study.
Virginia Lew
Virginia Lew attended the University of California Berkeley and has a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a Masters in Public Health in Environmental Science with an emphasis on toxicology. Her past work experience includes being: a public health chemist with the state Health Department, an occupational and safety specialist with Cal/OSHA, University of California San Francisco, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; and a product safety specialist with Clorox. Virginia's husband was the building official for San Francisco and Contra Costa Counties and her daughter is an attorney with the United States Treasury in Washington D.C. Virginia ushers for the San Francisco Symphony and has been a member of the University of California Alumni Chorus for over 25 years. In addition she became a Zumba enthusiast about two and a half years ago. The CHDS is of personal interest since her daughter was born with a cleft lip, and a parotid tumor, subsequently determined to be malignant, manifested itself while she was pregnant. Additionally, Virginia's sister passed away from what was diagnosed as mixed mullerian cancer. Since they were all Kaiser members during the study period of interest, the samples taken from her family might shed some light on these medical conditions.
Marie Loverde
Marie Loverde was born and raised in Berkeley with three brothers by her mother, an elementary school teacher. Her mother decided to participate in the study because of family health questions. Marie has a school-aged daughter who attends the same school as her mother and grandmother did. She also has a college degree and works in the administration office of a multi-site community health center in the East Bay. She enjoys living an active lifestyle especially since there is so much to do locally. She has been a Kaiser member most of her life and has used their health education classes in her quest for continuous learning. She is thrilled to be included on the CHDS Participant Advisory Council.
Ida Washington
Ida Washington is a single parent of a 34 year old son who is a San Francisco Police Officer, of whom she is very proud. Ida is also caring for her 96 year old mother who lives with her, which is a job in itself. She enjoys going shopping, especially finding a good sale, and making a great meal. Ida's mother enrolled in the Child Health Development Studies during her pregnancy with her in the 1960s at Kaiser Oakland. Ida is also a valuable member of the CHDS External Advisory Committee for the 3 Generations Study, a Special Advisor on the Community Research Collaboration Award Study, and a PAC Subcommittee Member of the Chemical Safety Study. Ida hopes that by participating on the PAC that she can be a representative voice as a daughter of the CHDS.
Johnnie Wyatt
Johnnie Wyatt is a proud mother of five children, sixteen grandchildren and one great-grandson. Johnnie's oldest daughter Christie was born when she was fifteen years old. If it were not for Kaiser's expertise in child development, Christie might not have survived, due to the fact that when she was born she weighed only 2 lbs, 2 oz and went down to 1 lb, 12 oz. Johnnie is married to Rev. Jesse Wyatt who is the CEO and Founder of Wyatt and Associates. They have been married for 31 years. Johnnie worked for 31 years at Alameda Power and Telecom, where she became a skilled customer service representative. In the meantime she earned her BA in Psychology at Holy Names University and Masters of Arts in Counseling at Patten College. She retired from Alameda Power and ventured into a new career as a registered Marriage and Family Therapist Intern at Trinity Counseling Center located in Oakland, California. Her preemie daughter Christie has grown up and has a family of her own and they reside in Arlington, Texas.