We are asking for information about your children in order to invite them to be included in this or future studies that they may be eligible to participate in. At this time, only daughters of women completing the in-person visit are eligible for the 3Gs study. One of the reasons the CHDS is unique is because it looks at family members together in order to study risk factors for disease.
At this time, we are only able to include daughters of women participating in the in-person visit. If you are eligible for the in-person visit and have a daughter age nine or older, we will invite her to also participate in the study if she is available to complete the visit on the same day as yours.
Your daughters' participation is voluntary. If any of your daughters agree to participate in the study, we will ask her to allow the examiner to measure her blood pressure, height, weight, and waist circumference. We will also ask her to provide blood, urine and saliva samples. She can participate in all or just some of the in-person visit activities. Daughters who are over age 18 will also be invited to participate in an additional part of the study by filling out a questionnaire about their health. She can complete the questionnaire online or we can mail her a copy at her request.
If any of your daughters are under the age of 18, we will ask each to provide her assent (her agreement) for participation in the study and your signed consent for her to participate in the study. If your daughter is age 18 or older, you will not need to consent for her to be in the study; the choice will be up to her and she will provide her own signed consent.
A research study is a way to learn information about something. We would like to find out more about family health, how the world around us affects our health and about health problems that women have. Our study is called the Three Generations because your grandmother participated in it while she was pregnant with your mom and your mom is participating now. Granddaughters (you) are very important because now researchers can study girls your age. It is unlikely that the study results will benefit you personally, but they have the potential to improve the health of others and future generations.
Your participation in the 3Gs study is your choice. A female phlebotomist (person who takes blood samples) or licensed practical nurse will conduct the visit. You can review all of the study documents here. These documents describe what activities are included in the in-person visit. Before the visit, you will be asked to sign a consent form telling us what parts of the visit you want to do. You can participate in all or just some of the home visit activities - it's your choice.
If agree to participate in the study we will ask you to allow the EMSI phlebotomist to:
- Measure your blood pressure
- Measure how tall you are, how much you weigh, and the size of your waist.
- Collect a blood, urine, and saliva sample.
If you are over the age of 18, we will also invite you to participate in additional part of the study that includes filling out a questionnaire about your health and health behaviors. The questionnaire will ask about your medical history, your menstrual and reproductive history, birth control, nutrition and physical activity. The questionnaire can be filled out online or we can mail you a paper copy. It will take about 20-30 minutes to fill out.
To thank you for helping the study, you will receive $50.00 for completion of the home visit. If you also complete the health questionnaire, you will receive an additional $25, for a total of $75.
If you are 18 and older and are unable to complete the visit at the same time as your mom, you can schedule a visit for yourself by calling our scheduling hotline, 866-986-8241.
If you can't participate in a visit, you can still participate in the study by filling out the questionnaire. The questionnaire can be filled out online or we can mail you a paper copy. It will take about 20-30 minutes to fill out.You will receive $25 to compensate you for the time you spent filling out the questionnaire. Even though you can't be at the visit, the information you provide on the questionnaire will help us learn more about women your age.